Sitka Redesign

When Sitka approached us with the opportunity to redesign their online site, we knew it was going to be a great collaboration. We were already in love with their products, so it was natural we’d be thrilled to do their site. We focused on creating a seamless experience between shopping and brand interaction. We also made the whole experience responsive across all devices. The blog was given a major overhaul and new features like collection pieces were added.







We really made sure the products shined no matter what device or width. This allows a smoother checkout experience and encourages mobile sales on the go.



We really wanted to feature the beautiful photography sitka brought to the table. This sets the tone for the site and advertises exclusive videos and offerings.

We added product features on the home page to introduce new or hot items. This creates product curiosity and promotes clicks into further shopping.

Sitkas news and videos was really important for their brand. We really brought clarity here and encouraged further browsing with a load more button to see all the upcoming and newest releases.

The product detail page was the page we were the happiest with. We felt like it hit all their objectives and goals. Simple, intuitive, and cross promotional.

More information on the product is a click away on the drop downs but cleans up the overall feel and makes it less cluttered overall.

Cross promotion is key for Sitka. We integrated this feature below the product and kept it simple enough to encourage product cunosity. We also globally added recently viewed items to the site. We found this feature extremely beneficial for Sitka’s customers.

We created the category header with dynamic options so images could be changed for each section. We also made it flexible enough to look great with no image.

The product listing section was really important. We went with the approach that less is more and added a touch of interactivity on product hover, displaying alternate views.

The left navigation was built small enough to get out of the way but apparent enough to find what you were looking for.

Collections was the newest feature brought to the Sitka site. This replaced the ‘Look Book’ previously on their old site.

The banner feature in this collection was design in acheiving two things: to flip through images of the collection, and to shop the story of products being advertised.

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